Texray AB | Gothenburg, Sweden | May 31, 2023 |
The potential risks associated with radiation exposure are well-known, as stated in many studies and publications. Healthcare professionals, during fluoroscopy-assisted interventions, are subjected to relatively high scattered radiation exposure, which may lead to various health issues.1,2,3,4,5 In some cases (more than 50%), OR staff members do not feel adequately protected from scatter radiation,6 while others prefer not to use protection.
The potential risks associated with radiation exposure are well-known, as stated in many studies and publications. Healthcare professionals, during fluoroscopy-assisted interventions, are subjected to relatively high scattered radiation exposure, which may lead to various health issues.1,2,3,4,5 In some cases (more than 50%), OR staff members do not feel adequately protected from scatter radiation,6 while others prefer not to use protection.
How come, we might ask?
For example, safeguarding our heads from scattered radiation is of paramount importance, as it houses one of our most vital organs. The brain is a critical and sensitive organ, and radiation exposure may have detrimental effects on its function and your general health. Furthermore, and over time this cumulative exposure can increase the risk of developing radiation-induced diseases, including cognitive impairments7,8 and certain types of cancer.9
Perhaps when choosing not to protect your brain, it might be because of the “perception of low immediate risk”: Since negative effects from scatter radiation are not immediately visible or felt, individuals may underestimate the long-term risks associated with brain exposure. Also taken into consideration, personal sensitivity to radiation exposure can play a significant role in determining the risk of developing cancer. Each individual’s genetic makeup and overall health can influence susceptibility to the harmful effects of radiation.4,5 While the extent of the health risks associated with radiation exposure is still a subject of ongoing research and debate,10 it is generally accepted that any radiation dose has the potential to cause unfavorable health effects.
Why not maximize your protection, just in case?
At Texray, we understand there are many challenges faced by healthcare professionals when it comes to personal radiation protection. Traditional garments can be impractical and uncomfortable, and cumbersome, where you choose to leave certain body parts unprotected – such as your head. Many state they feel warm wearing a head protector and sweat from wearing a tight thyroid collar.11
Well, did you try Texray’s products?
We have developed a revolutionary textile technology that combines innovation with safety and comfort. The heart and soul of our products is a woven textile material with exceptional attenuating capacity protection against harmful radiation. But we didn’t stop there; we prioritized design to improve comfort as that is what we hear is lacking for current products on the market.
Texray currently offers two products, MindPeace™ and HeadPeace™. They provide enhanced protection, offering 95-97% dose reduction in radiological interventions.12
Moving on to the design, the extended panel on MindPeace provides you additional protection for your brain and, potentially, your eyes. When worn correctly, the extended collar also allows ventilation, as it is not snuggly tightened around your neck but protects your glands and thyroid. HeadPeace is a neat adjustable headband that is really light in weight, so it won’t affect your head posture.13 Few might say MindPeace initially feels bulky, but more than 90% say they would use it daily if made available in their department.6
We say – give it a try!
And if you need more proof – find out what a healthcare professional nearby you think.
Choose Texray for innovation that combines safety, design, and comfort. Join the many healthcare professionals who have embraced our revolutionary products and experience the difference for yourself.
Find out more about the benefits of our products on our product pages.

1. Vano E. Occupational radiation protection of health workers in imaging. Radiation Prot Dosimetry. 2015 Apr;164(1-2):126-9. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncu354.
2. ICRP, 2018. Occupational radiological protection in interventional procedures. ICRP Publication 139. Ann. ICRP 47(2).
3. Miller, D.L., et al., Occupational radiation protection in interventional radiology: a joint guideline of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe and the Society of Interventional Radiology. Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology, 2010. 33(2): p. 230-9.
4. Lee, W. H., Nguyen, P. K., Fleischmann, D., & Wu, J. C. (2016). DNA damage-associated biomarkers in studying individual sensitivity to low-dose radiation from cardiovascular imaging. European heart journal, 37(40), 3075-3080.
5. Brenner, D. J., Doll, R., Goodhead, D. T., Hall, E. J., Land, C. E., Little, J. B., … & Zaider, M. (2003). Cancer risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation: assessing what we really know. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(24), 13761-13766
6. O’Sullivan N., Naughton A., McKevitt K., Boyle E., Egan B., Tierney S., Intra-Operative Radiation Safety; Who does what? Who knows what? Department of Vascular Surgery, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin 24, Ireland.
7. Andreassi, M. G., Cioppa, A., Botto, N., Joksic, G., Manfredi, S., Federici, C., … & Picano, E. (2005). Somatic DNA damage in interventional cardiologists: a case-control study. The FASEB Journal, 19(8), 998-999.
8. El-Sayed, T., Patel, A. S., Cho, J. S., Kelly, J. A., Ludwinski, F. E., Saha, P., … & Gill, J. (2017). Radiation-induced DNA damage in operators performing endovascular aortic repair. Circulation, 136(25), 2406-2416.
9. Roguin A., Bartal G. Radiation and your brain. Endovascular Today, 2016, 15,63-65.
10. Roguin, A., & Nolan, J. (2021). Radiation protection in the cardiac catheterisation lab: best practice. Heart, 107(1), 76-82.
11. Bjersgård A., En studie på strålskyddskläder, dess användning och användarnas rörelsemönster med ett ergonomiskt perspektiv. Centre for Health Technology Halland (HCH), Halmstad University, Sweden, 2015
12. Bärenfänger, F., Walbersloh, J., El Mouden R., Goerg, F., Block, A., Rohde, S., Clinical evaluation of a novel head protection system for interventional radiologists. European Journal of Radiology 2022:147.
13. Jonsson E., Centre for Health Technology Halland (HCH), Halmstad University, Sweden. (2017)