Texray AB | Gothenburg, Sweden | October 15, 2021 |

Prof. Stefan Rohde and Mr. Felix Bärenfänger, Dortmund Germany, recently performed a scientific evaluation of Texray head protectors. During CIRSE Summit 2021 this late September by invitation; the study results were presented and received great acknowledgment.

In the summary of the Radiation Protection session at CIRSE, Dr. Gabriel Bartal, Tel Aviv, Israel, member of the Radiation Protection Subcommittee, encourages that more evaluations like Prof. Stefan Rohde and Mr. Felix Bärenfänger, should be conducted, as they provide valuable knowledge to the medical society.1

“Innovations like Texray garments, amongst all, that provide enhanced protection against radiation and are really useful in practice; should clearly be recommended. However further research is needed”, Dr. Gabriel Bartal continues.

The Dortmund study results in short

The dose exposure in the head area of medical practitioners during interventional radiology procedures was quantified. The study showed dose values of up to 4.4 mSv after only 20 examinations. In addition, the protective effect of the Texray two-component solution, HeadPeace and MindPeace, was determined by evaluating the relative transmission depending on the dosimeter position. The authors, Prof. Stefan Rohde and Mr. Felix Bärenfänger, concluded that the attenuation efficiency ranged from 76-97% depending on the product and operational area and that from a radiation safety perspective, wearing HeadPeace and MindPeace is recommended during fluoroscopy-assisted interventions. 2,3

“We believe that an additional device for the head area is reasonable because usage of the device yielded an effective protection. Myself I was really surprised to see how much scatter radiation is still arriving on the performing physician, although we are already using all these different lead shields and radiation protection devices,” concludes Prof. Stefan Rohde.

To view the complete lecturer and the results go to on-demand available content through the CIRSE platform. Please follow the link (profile registration is for free and required):
Staff radiation protection using a novel two-component head and neck protection (Texray AB) in interventional radiology. S.Rohde, F. Bärenfänger, Dortmund, Germany.

“The occupational health risks, such as radiation-induced diseases, for medical practitioners exposed to ionizing radiation are subject to ongoing debates amongst experts. However, studies show no cut-off point for DNA damage, so why take the risk of not enhancing your protection if you can? Texray head protectors were acknowledged at this key medical congress for European radiologists. We are endlessly proud that we yet again have received such promising results. An additional 97% dose reduction towards your head and neck is possible, compared to wearing a traditional thyroid collar. So yet again – why risk your personal safety?” says Petra Apell, one of the founders and CEO of Texray

About CIRSE Summit 2021

The CIRSE 2021 Summit, attracted thousands of participants from all over the world and the successful meeting enclosed more than 300 live lectures, 970 on-demand presentations and 33 satellite symposia, which provide the world’s most comprehensive meeting for minimally invasive image-guided procedures.


For more information on the assessment conducted by Prof. Stefan Rohde and Mr. Felix Bärenfänger, Dortmund Hospital, please contact: Prof. Stefan Rohde (LinkedIn profile) or Dr Felix Bärenfänger (LinkedIn profile)

Contact Texray: Nina Offen Lantz

From the left: Prof. S. Rohde and Mr. F. Bärenfänger. Dortmund, Germany


1. Summary starts: 15:45 https://programme.2021summit.cirse.org/cirse2021/crs/panel-discussion-on-the-south-korean-study

2. Staff radiation protection using a novel two-component head and neck protection (Texray AB) in interventional radiology. S.Rohde, F. Bärenfänger, Dortmund, Germany. CIRSE Summit 2021
3. In German https://medizinphysik.wiki/: Strahlenschutz des Kopfes (Texray),