Texray AB | Gothenburg, Sweden | May 7, 2018 |

A clinical study performed on the 10MD product HeadPeace has been accepted and selected for oral presentation on the European Congress for Medical Physics.

A clinical study on HeadPeace has been performed by researchers and clinicians at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The results of the study will be presented at the European Congress for Medical Physics (ECMP), in August 2018. The abstract entitled ‘Evaluation of a new personal radiation protection device for the operator´s head during X-ray diagnostics and interventions’, will be presented by Dr Maria Larsson, Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) represents more than 8100 medical physicists and clinical engineers working in the field of medical physics. The mission of EFOMP is to harmonize and advance medical physics both in its professional clinical and scientific expression throughout Europe. EFOMP organizes the bi-annual event ECMP and the next meeting will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2018.

“I am very pleased that the abstract was selected for oral presentation by the ECMP Scientific Committee and look forward to continued discussions on the role for HeadPeace,” says Petra Apell, Business Developer at 10MD.

10MD has developed the first radiation protection textile – TeXray. TeXray is patented and constitutes of a breathable woven textile that protects the user from harmful radiation during diagnostic and surgical interventions. HeadPeace is the company’s first product and was developed to minimize cranial exposure to ionizing radiation.

* HeadPeace and TeXray are trademarks of Ten Medical Design AB.