Texray AB | Gothenburg, Sweden | June 7, 2024 |

Innovation in Medtech - Vinnova grants Texray funding through the Medtech4Health strategic funding program.

Texray AB is pleased to announce that Vinnova has granted Texray funding for competence enhancement through external expertise through the Medtech4Health strategic funding program.

Texray is on a mission to revolutionize the working environment for medical professionals by addressing the issue of scattered radiation during X-ray-guided procedures. Driven by the global demand for such solutions, Texray is committed to developing ergonomic, sustainable, and clinically validated radiation protection equipment.

The funding from Vinnova/Medtech4health will enable Texray to expand its collaborations further with experts on projects that require in-depth knowledge, primarily in health economics and clinical expertise. The work will include market analysis and evidence evaluation to support the implementation and commercialization of innovations to meet the right customer demands and drive growth.

About Vinnova

Vinnova is the Swedish government agency for innovation systems. Its mission is to boost sustainable growth, which is primarily accomplished by funding innovation and research-related projects. More information on https://www.vinnova.se/

About Medtech4Health

Medtech4Health is a national Strategic Innovation Program within medical technology. Its focus is on implementing medical technologies to streamline healthcare and strengthen the medical technology industry nationally and internationally. To make this possible, it brings together stakeholders in healthcare, academia, and business in different projects. More information on https://medtech4health.se/


For more information on the project, please contact:

Shadi Ståhl Product Development Director @ Texray