Dr. Andrej Schmidt

Interventional Cardiology, Head of Interventional Angiology University Hospital Leipzig, Germany.

“I believe these novel shields are a great innovation for extended protection and optimized comfort. I find it personally very important to minimize my radiation exposure during endovascular procedures, for my own safety and health”

Prof. Dr. med Ulrich Schäfer

”Everything that reduces radiation is welcome, I think these products are very comfortable even after a few hours in the OR”

Dr. Florian Wolf

”I’ve used Texray HeadPeace a few years. It is a really comfortable, lead-free head protector for IRs, surgeons, technicians, & cardiologists. The technology is a great innovation, as it reduces scatter radiation towards my head.”

ProJim Reekers, Prof. Emeritus

“There is no cut-off point for radiation-induced DNA damage. Learn your IR fellows not only about interventions, but also about radiation.”

Prof. Jan Schmitto

”I will continue doing advanced image-guided surgical procedures for many years, so radiation is definitely a relevant issue for me and my colleagues. Innovative protectors (or PPE) such as these Texray products are highly appreciated.”

Prof. Stefan Rohde

”I felt quite safe before. Up until now we have not been aware of the very high doses towards our head. Now, we have something to wear that will protect us.”

Dr. Ralf Birkemeyer

Internist, cardiologist, internal intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, Herzklinik Ulm, Germany

“Normal head caps feel heavier and heavier. I can use HeadPeace for hours, I was actually forgetting that I was using it.”

Dr. Peter Kearney

Interventional Cardiology, Cork University Hospital, Ireland

”As I am exposed for radiation for many hours, I take necessary precautions to reduce radiation. And therefore, yes of course I use your products. Optimal positioning of a ceiling mounted lead shield may not always be possible in clinical practice and therefore, I think added protection using these novel guards may be very useful to reduce radiation towards our brains.”